Life Lessons

Today I am reflecting on the various different lessons in life that I have learned. Throughout life I have been through many different obstacles that have both broken me down, but have also built me back up and made me stronger.  Through each of those obstacles I have learned something that in turn made me a stronger, better person.

One of the biggest things I have learned is to not take anything for granted.  Even the smallest thing such as my fiance making dinner.  I learned to be appreciative of everything I have (including my hair).  You never know what tomorrow will bring and when you lose the most basic of things such as your hair, or even voice you come to realize how important it is.  I never gave a second thought to my hair until it was gone.  I found out how much my identity was wrapped up in my golden locks.  It felt as if I was being vain and selfish, or self centered to cry over losing my hair.  Many years later I have come to realize that it wasn't vain to grieve over my hair, it was something much bigger than that.  It was a lose of self, a lose of feminity.  I had to relearn how to view myself as feminine and lady-like.

Another lesson I have learned through life, and this is a very big one.  I have value.  I am worth something.  For the longest time I have felt like I didn't matter, that I held not worth or value.  But I made it a conscience effort to remind myself that I do have value, I still have to make a conscience effort to remind myself that from time to time.  Too often in life situations or people make us feel like we do not have value or worth, but we cannot look to others to find something valuable within.  I see it everyday now.   And I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Throughout life we make mistakes and the purpose of mistakes and trials is to learn from them and not let them bring us down.  Which is something I always did.  If I didn't succeed on the first try of something I felt like a failure and didn't want to try again.  But I have to keep remembering that not everyone does everything right on the first time.  How times did Bill Gates create windows?  How many protypes of a computer or cell phone were there?  Life is all about trial and error.  What matters is what can we learn from those moments.  What does our hurt teach us, how can we learn and adjust from our mistakes?


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