

One of the things that was discussed at the women's conference at Journey By Grace a few years ago was how we have things that hinder our walk with God.  Things that hold us back or heavy our steps.  They are things that would should be giving to God, but for some reason we tend to hang on to them.  Clutching them tightly unwilling to let go.  I know there are a few things that hold me down and hinder me from taking the big steps in my walk with God.  Things that hinder my relationships and how I interact with other people.  I even know what they are, things I know I need to let go of and release from myself.  But how do you let go of something that you have allowed to become a part of who you are?  How do you let go of 30 some years of lingering hurt and pain?  How do you let go of something that has helped make you into the person you are today?  Then at the same time could the things I am holding onto, the things that are hindering my life, could they also hinder my growth a

Life Lessons

Today I am reflecting on the various different lessons in life that I have learned. Throughout life I have been through many different obstacles that have both broken me down, but have also built me back up and made me stronger.  Through each of those obstacles I have learned something that in turn made me a stronger, better person. One of the biggest things I have learned is to not take anything for granted.  Even the smallest thing such as my fiance making dinner.  I learned to be appreciative of everything I have (including my hair).  You never know what tomorrow will bring and when you lose the most basic of things such as your hair, or even voice you come to realize how important it is.  I never gave a second thought to my hair until it was gone.  I found out how much my identity was wrapped up in my golden locks.  It felt as if I was being vain and selfish, or self centered to cry over losing my hair.  Many years later I have come to realize that it wasn't vain to grieve

The Magic of Life

Too often we are concerned with our own personal life.  How thing effect US what something means for US.  We don't take the time and look at the life around us.  With the issues going on in the world right now with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) it is easy to become more self-centered.  How are these changes going to effect mean, how do I continue to work, how do I adjust to the new normal. How do I live my best life possible through this pandemic when so many things are shut down.  How does one enjoy every moment of life when it seems like life has been put on hold? This morning I woke up early before my fiance, dog and two cats were awake.  It was just me and kitten.  As I was doing my yoga I kept thinking about the magic of life.  How can I notice the magic of life in everyday, not just MY life, but the life around me?  And how can I appreciate it more than I already do?  How can I feel connected to other life when we are supposed to be practicing social distancing and self isol

Becoming New

Recently I signed up for a wellness course from DailyOM  and one of the courses talked about creating possibility, where you decide to create the possibility of something each day and work out how to achieve it.  Of course I went big and decided to create the possibility of letting go.  The possibility of moving on from my past and moving forward finally.  Of course this has a snowball effect and I realized holding on to a lot of the hurt, pain and resentment does no good in my life.  One of my New Year's resolutions was to bring in more positivity into my life and let go and get rid of the negative, so why am I still holding onto something so big and negative?   I always thought I have already let go, forgiven, and forgotten the things of the past, but I see now that they keep coming back up whether I think about them or not.  They are still alive in the back of my mind and the root to everything I see and feel about myself.  If I want to become a healthier person, I need to ad