
One of the things that was discussed at the women's conference at Journey By Grace a few years ago was how we have things that hinder our walk with God.  Things that hold us back or heavy our steps.  They are things that would should be giving to God, but for some reason we tend to hang on to them.  Clutching them tightly unwilling to let go. 

I know there are a few things that hold me down and hinder me from taking the big steps in my walk with God.  Things that hinder my relationships and how I interact with other people.  I even know what they are, things I know I need to let go of and release from myself.  But how do you let go of something that you have allowed to become a part of who you are?  How do you let go of 30 some years of lingering hurt and pain?  How do you let go of something that has helped make you into the person you are today?  Then at the same time could the things I am holding onto, the things that are hindering my life, could they also hinder my growth as a person, my growth intellectually, spiritually and emotionally?  The answer is probably, ok, most definitely.

But it is scary tolet go of something or somethings that have been a part of me for so long.  It's hard to let go and forget about all this pent up hjurt.  But hurts worse holding on or letting go? and that is a question I need to answer for myself sometimes.  The stones in my shoes are most certainly hurting me more than what it feel like if I were to be able to just let go.  But how does one do that.  I've tried many times to say to myself this or that doesn't matter to me.  This or that pain cannot hurt me anymore, I have forgiven the person who has wronged me.  So why does it continue to persist and linger in my thoughts and actions?  Why does it continue to rule over me?  What do you do after saying I don't want this thing to hang over my head anymore, I don't want this chip on my shoulder or pebble in my shoe.  I want a more comfortable walk without wondering when a particular past pain or hurt is going to show itself again and surprise me with it's pain.  How do you start to let something go after praying about it?


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